
保护地球的英文海报手绘(爱护环境的儿童书Read Aloud 推荐6本保护地球的英文绘本)



Diane Muldrow

Headings: We Planted a Tree

Author: Diane Muldrow

Illustration: Bob Staake

Overview: A simple poem that packs a powerful punch reminds kids of all ages that trees have to offer: clean air, shelter for animals, fruit to eat, and so much more. Combined with Staake’s whimsical illustrations, this must-read will leave you eager to get planting.

一首带有强烈冲击力的简单诗,让孩子们想起了树木为我们人类带来的一切:清洁的空气、动物的庇护所、可以吃的水果等等。同时,绘本结合了 Staake 异想天开的插图,一定会开启您和孩子对种植的渴望。

Marikka Tamura

Headings: Penguins Don’t Wear Sweaters!

Author: Marikka Tamura

Illustration: Daniel Rieley

Overview: In Penguins Don’t Wear Sweaters!, debut author Marikka Tamura manages to tell a story about the dangers of oil spills — and their wide-reaching effects on surrounding wildlife — in kid-friendly fashion. Based on a news story in Australia, in which humans tried knitting sweaters for penguins to protect them from oily water, Tamura touches on ill-advised rescue attempts, ecological responsibility, and the active lives of penguins.

根据澳大利亚的新闻报道,人类尝试为企鹅编织毛衣以保护它们免受油水的侵害。作者 Marikka Tamura 尝试以儿童友好的方式讲述了关于石油泄漏的危险及其对周围野生动物危害的故事,从而让孩子们了解不同生物的生存环境,引导孩子们与大自然和平相处。

Susan Verde and Georgie Badiel

Headings: The Water Princess

Author: Susan Verde and Georgie Badiel

Illustration: by Peter H. Reynolds

Overview: Before she was a supermodel and activist, Georgie Badiel walked miles every day with a heavy pot perched on her head to bring home drinking water for her family. Badiel grew up in Burkina Faso, one of many places across the world that lacks access to clean drinking water. In striking illustrations and spirited prose, this book will deepen children’s understanding of a crucial environmental issue.

故事讲述了一个真实的国家,布基纳法索(法語:Burkina Faso)是西非內陸國家,全部國土都位於撒哈拉沙漠南緣,那里是世界上缺乏清洁饮用水的地方之一。小主人翁Georgie Badiel 在成为超级名模和活动家之前,每天步行数英里,头上顶着一个沉重的罐子,为家人带回家饮用水。这本书以引人注目的插图和生动的散文,将加深孩子们对一个至关重要的环境问题的理解。

Liz Garton Scanlon

Headings: Kate, Who Tamed the Wind

Author: Liz Garton Scanlon

Illustration: Lee White

Overview: Children learn early that trees are important for the oxygen cycle, but young Kate knows there’s another reason they make our lives better. Atop a steep hill, a voracious wind wrecks everything for the man who lives alone there. Kate comes up with a plan — involving a wheelbarrow of adolescent trees — to help her neighbor (and the Earth, too!).

孩子们很早就知道树木对氧气循环很重要,但小凯特知道树木让我们的生活更美好还有另一个原因。 在陡峭的山坡上,狂风摧毁了独自生活在那里的人的一切。 凯特想出了一个计划来帮助她的邻居(还有地球!)。

Dr. Seuss

Headings: The Lorax

Author: Dr. Seuss

Overview: Featuring one of Dr. Seuss’s most iconic characters, this beloved picture book about preserving the planet’s natural beauty will inspire young readers to do their part in protecting the environment.


Heidi Tyline King

Headings: Saving American Beach

Author: Heidi Tyline King

Illustration: by Ekua Holmes

Overview: This beautiful story is about an opera singer turned environmentalist who saved a beach. When MaVynee was a girl, most of the beaches were for white people only. So her grandfather bought American Beach and turned it into a place where African Americans could enjoy its sunny shores. When the beach falls into disrepair, MaVynee works to preserve this important piece of her history. Combined with Holmes’gorgeous illustrations, this book shows us that we can all make an impact on the world around us.

当 MaVynee 还是个女孩的时候,大部分海滩都只为白人服务。于是她的祖父买下了美国海滩,把它变成了一个非裔美国人可以享受阳光海岸的地方,但当海滩年久失修时,MaVynee 从一位歌剧歌手变成环保主义者,努力拯救海滩。结合福尔摩斯华丽的插图,这本书向我们展示了每个人都可以对我们周围的世界产生影响。值得一提的是,我们为孩子们找到了本书的作者Heidi的原声朗读的《Saving American Beach》音频。


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