






Paragraph 1:


In November 2020, China carried out/launched its 7th national census, which will provide relevant and accurate statistics information for China’s embarking on the new journey marching toward building a modern socialist country in all respects.

1.第七次人口普查 7th national census

census 就可以表示人口普查,不用再加population

2.第一段的两句话可以合并成一句话,用which引导的非限制性定语从句连接。也可以直接用it指代,In November 2020, China launched its 7th national census. It will...

3.开启...新征程 embark on a new journey



Paragraph 2:


The latest census is an intrinsic need/inherent requirement for high-quality development of the Chinese economy which is now at a critical stage of transforming the growth model, enhancing economic structuring, and transitioning to new growth drivers. In this context, it is important to gather accurate and up-to-date data about the size, structure and distribution of the population, as well as the demographical structure of human resources.Only by doing so can we have a better understanding of the demand structure, rural-urban dual structure, regional disparities and industrial structure, thus providing strong support for high-quality economic development and modern economic systems.

1.内在需求 intrinsic need/inherent requirement


All countries should work together for a harmonious world. 各国应携手共建和谐世界。

3.“转变发展方式”“优化经济结构”“转换增长动力” 也是政经文本中常常用到的,只要多阅读政府工作报告等就可以很快想到。

4.攻关期 at a critical stage of

5.“即使查清人口数量...”与上一句话是有因果关系的,所以在译文中要体现出来,增译in this context, 或者therefore, thus等。中文重“意合”(parataxis),也就是说句与句之间的逻辑关系不依赖于连接词等来体现,其逻辑关系暗含在句子之中。而英文重“形合”(hypotaxis),句与句之间的逻辑依赖于一定的语法和词汇来体现,汉译英时必须将汉语中隐含的逻辑显化。


译:Now that you know what you did is wrong, how could you do that?

6.“需求结构、城乡结构、区域结构、产业结构” 基本上都可以用structure, 但区域结构有其固定搭配,regional disparities。

7.“为推动经济高质量发展,建设现代化经济体系提供有力的支持。” thus providingstrong support for high-quality economic development and modern economic systems

providing 在这里做结果状语,v-ing是一个很好的句式,可以使译文逻辑性更强,更加简洁,也可以增加译文形式的多样性。

Paragraph 3:


The 2020 Census is also an urgent necessity to improve/modernize the strategies and policy systems for population development and promote long-term and balanced development of the population. Since the 6th national census in 2010, the inner impetus and outer conditions of population growth has taken tremendous changes, including a slowdown in population growth, an overall decline of the working-age population, and rapid growth in the elderly population.

1.人口普查在文章中出现多次,英文忌重复,所以可以用 the 2020 Census,the 7th Census, the census等来避免重复。

2.人口总规模增长缓慢 a slowdown in population growth 这里采用了转译法(conversion),即转换词性,将“缓慢”这一形容词转译成了“slowdown”这一名词。由于中英这两门语言存在巨大的差异,所以在翻译过程中,转译法使用频繁而且非常灵活 。后面的动词“下降”以及“加深”也都转译为了英文的名词形式。


Paragraph 4:


Thus, the census can help us gather the latest data about the size, structure and distribution of the population as well as housing conditions in urban and rural areas, learn about changes in population growth, supply of labor force, migration and calculate the size of elderly population. The data serve as a basis for formulating and improving policy measures of income, consumption, education, employment, senior care, health care, social security, etc. Also, they provide meaningful input to the planning for educational and medical institutions, the construction of facilities for children and elderly people, the geographical distribution of service outlets of businesses and road construction in urban and rural areas.

1.“查清...的最新情况”其实就是通过收集数据了解和掌握...的最新情况,可以直接翻译成know, learn about, get to know, better understand 等,译文中的help us gather the latest data about 其实就是让某人了解和掌握信息,是相同的意思。 这与后面的“摸清”其实是一个意思。


2.养老 senior care

养老保险endowment insurance

3.政策措施 policy measures, 英文中是有这样对应的表达的。

4.提供依据,其实就是指提供可参考的数据,提供有用的信息,所以可以译为provide meaningful input, 也可以翻译成为serve as the basis for。

input: data entered into a computer for processing 信息输入


