

九年级英语 Unit 1 How can we become good learners?短语、句型、知识点



☆1.(P1,1a)ask the teacher for help向老师寻求帮助

.make word cards 制作单词卡片

read the textbook 读课文

.listen to tapes 听磁带

★2. by + doing 通过……方式,如:

They study English by studying with a group. →How do they study English?

☆3.(P1,1c)study for the test备考\为考试而学习

work with a group和小组一起学习

☆4.(P2,2a,2)have conversations with sb和某人谈话

She is having conversations with her teacher.她正在和她的老师谈话。


give a report作报告,

give the main ideas获取文章的大意,

word groups词组,

more than超过(=over),

be patient有耐心

6.(P3,3a,问题1)find\think it+形容词(for sb)to do sth:发现认为(某人)做某事是怎么样的

=find\think it is\was+形容词(for sb)to do sth

I think it difficult for me to finish the work.


=I think it is difficult for me to finish the work. (复合句)

☆7.(P3,3a,问题3)the secret to language learning语言学习的秘密

☆8.(P3,3a,1段2行)be afraid to do sth:不敢做某事

He is afraid to go out at night.在晚上他不敢出去。

9.(P3,3a,2段1行)fall in love with爱上 (fall的过去式为fell)

10.(P3,3a,2段2行)although(虽然,即使)在句子中不能与but连用,但是可以与yet ,still 连用。

Although he is old ,he is quite strong .他虽然年龄大了,但身体很健壮。

Although it is dark ,they are still working .虽然天黑了,但他们仍在工作。

☆11.(P3,3a,2段3行)body language 肢体语言 ,key words关键词

12.(P3,3a,2段6行) I discovered that listening to something interesting is the secret to language learning.


Watching TV is bad for our eyes.看电视对我们的眼睛有害处。(watch为动词)

★13.(P3,3a,末4行)look up查阅 (代词it\them放在中间)

I don’t know the words,I can look them up in a dictionary.


14.(P3,3a,末2行)so that+句子:目的是,为了(句中常有情态动词)

She got up early so that she could catch the bus.为了能赶上车,她起得很早。(目的状语从句)

☆15.(P4,4a,d)take notes做笔记,do exercises做练习

(P4,4b)sentence patterns 句型

☆16.(P4,4c)do grammer exercises做语法练习

☆17.(P5,1a3行)疑问词+to do sth , 例如

He didn’t know where to go.他不知道去哪里。

(常用的疑问词有:who,what,where,when,why,how—简单记忆为:5 w 1 h)



例:The boy doesn’t know when he will visit Beijing next week.(将该句变为简单句)

分析:上面的句子是含有两个句子的复合句(主句+宾语从句),2个句子各有主语The boy、he(实为同一个人)。


1.一找(在第二个主语后找出第二个句子中的第一个实义动词(有实际意义的动词)visit,注意will 为助动词);

2.二把疑问词和实义动词之间的所有单词删去),即为句子:The boy doesn’t know when he will visit Beijing next week.

3.三换(把删去部分换位介词to即可),即为答案:The boy doesn’t know when to visit Beijing next week.


1.Can you tell me where we can buy food?

2.She wonders what she will do next.

3.They don’t know how they can use the machine.

☆18.(P5,1a)make mistakes犯错误,

make mistakes in 在某方面犯错误

You shouldn’t make mistakes in the grammer.你不应该在语法方面犯错误。

☆19.(P5,1c,4)get much writing practice得到很多写作练习

☆20.(P5,1e)join an English club加入英语俱乐部

21.(P6,2b题目)success (名词,成功)---succeed (动词,成功)—successful (形容词,成功的)---successfully (副词,成功地)

☆22.(P6,2b,1段)短语:be born with天生具有,the ability to do sth做某事的能力,depend on 依靠,取决于,in common 共同的

23.(P6,2b,2段1行)be interested in+名词\代词\doing sth:对感兴趣

He is interested in math.他对数学感兴趣。(math为名词)

They are interested in playing basketball.他们对打篮球感兴趣。(play为动词)

24.(P6,2b,2段2行)pay attention to +名词/代词/doing:对…注意,留心

You must pay attention to your friends. 你应该多注意你的朋友。

We should pay attention to protecting the animals. 我们应该注意保护动物。

25.(P6,2b,2段3行和5行)connect…with…:把…和…连起来,get bored厌倦

26.(P6,2b,3段1行)think about 考虑(后跟动词用ving)

He is thinking about visiting Beijing next week.他正考虑下周访问北京。

be good at+名词\代词\doing sth:擅长…She is good at playing the piano.她擅长弹钢琴。

2.(P6,2b,3段3行)keep doing sth:一直做某事

They kept working yesterday.昨天他们一直在工作。

☆28.(P6,2b,3段4行)be afraid of+名词\doing sth:害怕某物,不敢做某事

The boy is afraid of dogs.这个小孩怕狗。

He is afraid of speaking in public.他不敢在公共场合讲话。

☆29.(P6,2b,4段)短语:study hard努力学习,write down写下,记下,mind maps思维导图,information(不可数名词)消息,信息

30.(P8,self check,1)be stressed out有压力,have a test考试

31.(P8,self check,1,2行)remember to do sth 记得去做某事(还未做)

He remembered closing the door. 他记得他已关上门。(门已关上)↓

remember doing sth记得做过某事(已做完)

Remember to close the door when you leave.记得当你离开的时候关上门(门未关)

补充:forget to do sth 忘记去做某事(还未做)

Don’t forget to call your mother .不要忘记给你妈妈打电话。(还未打)

forget doing sth忘记已做过某事(已做过)

He forgot calling his mother.他忘记已给他妈妈打了电话。(已打过)

32.(P8,self check,1,3行)on one’s own独自

He can finish the work onhis own.他能够独立完成这项工作。

33.(P8,self check,1,4行)instead代替,而不是(常放在句首或句末,不译出)

It’s too hot to walk,we’ll go swimming instead.天太热了不能够散步,我们要去游泳。

instead of +n/代词/doing:代替…,而不是

He will go to Japan instead of France.


I studied at home instead of going to a movie.


☆34.(P8,self check,2)advice(不可数名词)建议,常考的不可数名词还有:


☆35.know(动词)知道,认识----knowledge(不可数名词)知识,学问----- knowledgeable(形容词)有知识的,有学问的,

pronounce(动词)发音---pronunciation (名词)发音,读音

36. Practce makes perfect. 熟能生巧

the ability to learn 学习能力
