它既可以是炙热的阳光,也可以是冰冷的刀枪。在之前我们关于“语言暴力”的文章评论里,许多父母表达了自己的愧疚与歉意——在生活中,确实经常会对孩子说一些不好的话,无意中伤害了他们的内心。那么,在减少暴力语言的同时,究竟有哪些爱的语言,是需要我们经常和孩子说的呢?美国妈妈Alissa Marquess认为,不断重复向孩子表达爱的语言,可以让爱在孩子心里生根:“或许你都想不到,自己那些鼓励孩子的话,会伴随他们多年。”于是,她总结了64句充满爱的话语,帮助您更好地在生活中实践爱!表扬赞赏(想法、行为)▲强化孩子好的行为1. Your ideas are interesting. 你的想法真不错。2. Your ideas are worthwhile. 你的想法很有价值。3. You’ve made me think of things in a completely new way. 你让我学会从不同的角度去看待事物。4. Your words are powerful. 你的话充满力量。5. Your actions are powerful. 你的行动很有效。6. Your emotions may be powerful. 你的情绪有很强的感染力。7. I’m excited to see what you do. 看到你做这件事,我非常开心激动。8. It’s fun to do things with you. 跟你一起做事真的好有趣。肯定认可(特质)▲让孩子了解自我、获得内在的自信9.You are creative. 你创意无限。10.You are strong. 你很坚强。11.You are kind. 你很善良。12.You are interesting. 你真有趣。13.You are capable. 你真能干。14.You are a good friend. 你是个很棒的朋友。15.You are loved. 你是被爱的。16.You make me smile. 你总能让我开心。17.You are deserving. 你值得...18.You make a difference. 你让一切变得不同。19.You are valuable. 你是有价值的人。20.You are beautiful. 你真美丽。21.When you make a mistake you are still beautiful. 即使你犯错了,你也依旧美丽。22.You are important. 你很重要。23.I’m proud of you. 我为你骄傲。表达鼓励▲激励孩子的潜能,让他们做的更好24.I know you can handle it. 我知道你能做到。25.You are more than your emotions. 你可以战胜你的情绪。26.You can change your mind. 你可以试着改变你的想法。27.You can learn from your mistakes. 你可以从错误中学习。28.You are able to do work that matters. 你有能力胜任重要的任务。表达信任▲建立信任感,增加亲子联结29.I have faith in you. 我信任你(的为人)。30.I believe you. 我相信你(说的话)。31.I believe in you. 我对你很有信心。表达理解与倾听▲接纳并尊重孩子的不足与个性,更好地与孩子沟通32.You are learning. 你在学习。33.You are growing. 你在成长。34.Growing is hard work. 长大并不是一件容易的事。35.Your body is your own. 你的身体属于你自己。36.You have say over your body. 你的身体你做主。37.I see you working and learning every day. 我看见你每天都有认真地做事和学习。38.I’m ready to listen. 我准备好听你说了。39.I’m listening. 我正在听。40.I am curious what you think. 我很好奇你在想什么。41.How did you do that? 你是怎么做到的?表达感激▲让孩子学会感激、懂得付出42.Thanks for helping me. 谢谢你帮助我。43. Thank you for contributing to our family. 感谢你为家里做的贡献。44. I’m grateful you’re in my life. 感恩你出现在我的生命里。表达情感▲积极、勇敢地表达爱意,让孩子学会表达内心的情感,亲子间建立深厚的情感联结45.I think about you when we’re apart. 当我们分开时,我也很想你。46.I will do my best to keep you safe. 我会尽全力去保护你。47.Sometimes I will say no. 有时我会说不。48.You make me smile. 你给我带来许多欢笑。49.My world is better with you in it. 你让我的世界变得更美好。50.You make a difference in my life. 你让我的人生变得不同。51.I enjoy your company. 我享受有你的陪伴。52.I’m glad you’re here. 我很庆幸有你在这里。53.I’m happy to talk with you. 我喜欢和你聊天。表达忠告▲保护孩子的自尊,构建独立且健全的人格54.Trust your instincts. 相信你的直觉。55.You can say no. 你可以拒绝。56.Your choices matter. 你的选择很重要。57.Your ideas matter. 你的想法很重要。58.And you can still choose your actions. 你可以坚持自己所做的。59.You don’t have to like what someone is saying in order to treat them with respect. 你不必为了获得他人的认可,而改变自己。60.Someone else’s poor behavior is not an excuse for your own. 别人做的不对不是你犯错的借口。61.You are imperfect. 你可以不完美。62.So am I. 我也是一样。63.You can ask for help. 如果有需要,你可以寻求帮助。最后,有一句话记得要经常说哦:64. I love you. 我爱你。